Dr. Kim, Sunny(Sung Il)

Dear Prospective Student,

Welcome and thank you for considering Golden State University. You have a wide choice among schools of Asian herbal medicine and acupuncture, and we are proud that you have an interest in us.

Because of California state requirements, our curriculum is quite extensive and demanding. Educational standards are excellent, and graduates emerge confident in their clinical abilities. The University offers flexible schedules for working adults.

We are committed to presenting information about the University and its philosophy, curriculum, class schedules, tuition and fees. However, this does not replace the excitement and real truth of the traditional ancient wisdom demonstrated in our teachings. As a student at the University, we know you will experience this as you learn and study along with fellow students. We also think you will see this in clinical training where you will experience acupuncture, herbal medicine, and Tui-Na therapies. Our teachings are living proof that the ancient wisdom works in a modern society.

We encourage you to read through the catalog closely and call us with any questions that may arise, and we welcome you to visit our campus as you consider your options. We compliment you on your choice of professions and are honored to be of service to you in your educational endeavors.

Sincerest regards, Sunny S. Kim, L.Ac.

President of Golden State University