The Golden State University Professional Diploma program consists of 2,160 didactic hours (216 credit units) of academic course work and 960 hours (48 credit units) of clinical internship at the University’s Training Clinic. These courses are required in order to graduate and take the California Acupuncture License Exam (CALE) to be a Licensed Acupuncturist (LAc) in the State of California (code 29-1291 of the United States Department of Labor Standard of Occupational Classification).
Course work includes studies in Asian medicine theory, acupuncture, herbology & herbal formulas, Western medicine & science, and practice management & ethical practices, in addition to the clinical internship are required.
All courses are taught on-site at 9047 E. Florence Ave, #L, Downey, CA 90240. Additionally, students must pass a final Comprehensive Exam in order to graduate from the program.
GSU’s academic and clinic training program consists of the following:
Basic Science & Western Medicine | 63 units/630 hours |
Acupuncture | 30 units/300 hours |
Asian Medicine Theory | 42 units/420 hours |
Herbology & Formulas | 45 units/450 hours |
Case Management | 10 units/100 hours |
Practice Management | 7 units/70 hours |
Professional Development | 3 units/30 hours |
Public Health | 5 units/50 hours |
Clinic Internship | 48 units/960 hours |
Students normally enroll for 12 to 18 units each quarter. A student who is maintaining a “B” grade average may be allowed to enroll in up to 21 units with the academic dean’s approval. In exceptional
circumstances, a student who is performing well above average may petition the Academic Standards Committee for approval to enroll in up to 24 units. In the written petition, the student must show that there are special circumstances that should be considered. Students are cautioned that petitions for such increased study loads are very carefully and thoroughly evaluated.
Students are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions and are required to arrive on time. Absence may be excused for childbirth, documented illness, injury, death in the family, or other emergency situations acceptable to the Academic Standards Committee. Students should call the Registrar or a Dean as soon as practical on the first day of absence and give an estimate of the duration of the absence. Failure to give prompt notice is considered a breach of professional etiquette. Special arrangements may be made to make up missed classes.
All work missed due to absence or lateness must be made up to the satisfaction of the instructor in order to receive credit for the course. Instructors may arrange for make-up examinations in cases of excused absence (see section on make-up examinations for details). Instructors are not required to provide make-up examinations missed due to unexcused absence or lateness and may assign a failing grade for that examination.
Unexcused absence or lateness to a scheduled clinic observation session or a scheduled internship session is considered to be a serious breach of professionalism.
Trainees must be aware that patients come to our clinic expecting to be examined and treated in a timely and courteous manner. Lateness and absence are discourtesy to patients, fellow trainees, and the clinic staff. All students with unexcused clinic absences will be required to meet with the Dean of Clinical Education before returning to clinic duty.
The clinic office should be notified as soon as possible after a student realizes that she/he will not be at the clinic at the schedule time. A telephone answering machine will take calls before the office opens. In order to receive full credit for hours of clinical experience, the student must remain in the clinic for the entire assigned shift.
Students are reminded that all clinical training is enrollment by specific course registration for a specific number of academic units and not by the clock hours.
Time missed due to excused absences up to 10% of the hours assigned to that course may be rescheduled at the convenience and availability of the clinic by the Clinic Director. No tuition penalty shall be applied but the faculty will consider the absences in assigning a final grade to the course.
Excessive absence is defined an excess of 20% of scheduled classroom hours in didactic course or absence in excess of 10% of scheduled clinic training hours. Instructors will report excessive absences to the Registrar. The student may be asked to appear before the Academic Standards Committee. Failure to appear at the meeting may result in a failing grade and may also result in suspension or dismissal.
If the excessive absences are classified as excused, the Committee may recommend to the instructor that make-up work be arranged, or that the student be suspended from the class without a penalty grade assigned.
If the excessive absences are not classified as excused, the Committee may:
- Place the student on probation, giving provisions for return to good standing.
- Suspend the student for the remainder of the class meetings without a penalty grade assigned. Any tuition refund due shall be provided for by the University’s refund policies. The date of notice of termination of study, as required for all tuition refunds, shall be the date of the Committee’s decision.
- Suspend the student for the remainder of the class meetings with a failing grade assigned.
- Recommend to the President that the student be dismissed from the University.
A leave of absence refers to a specific time period during a student’s ongoing program of study when they are not in academic attendance. It does not include non-attendance for a scheduled break in a student’s program. A student on an approved Leave of Absence is permitted to complete the coursework he or she began prior to their Leave of Absence.
Only one Leave of Absence may be granted during any twelve (12) month period and cannot exceed one hundred and eighty (180) days, including Summer Quarter. The twelve-month period will begin on the first day of the student’s most recent Leave of Absence.
For the Leave of Absence to be approved, the student must do all of the following: provide a written, signed, and dated request for the Leave of Absence, prior to the time period the leave is to occur unless unforeseen circumstances prevent the student from doing so.
If the Leave of Absence is not approved, and the student leaves anyway, then the student is considered to have withdrawn from the University. If the student is receiving funding, this funding will be returned and/or cancelled. Upon returning, any such student previously receiving financial aid, must reapply.
Satisfactory Academic Progress is a cumulative measurement of the student’s academic progress. A student who has not maintained SAP for an academic year will be put on academic probation. The student will be required to meet to discuss options for re-establishing SAP. Students have the following year to re-establish their SAP.
In addition to maintaining SAP students must complete and pass the pre-clinical written and practical exam before attaining 185 quarter credits. Written exceptions can be obtained from the Academic Dean.
Students must achieve a 2.0, or “C”, average to receive credit for a particular class. Students may retake any classes for which they have not achieved this passing grade at applicable standard tuition fees. An undergraduate student who falls below a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is academically dismissed. Professional Diploma Students must maintain an overall G.P.A of 2.0 or the student will be placed on academic probation. A student who falls below a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is academically dismissed.
Institution’s Standards for Student Achievement
Grading Standards:
A = 4.0 grade points = Excellent W = Withdrawal
B = 3.0 grade points = Above Average P = Pass
C = 2.0 grade points = Average CBT = Credit by Transfer
D = 0.0 grade points = Below Average CBE = Credit by Examination F = 0.0 grade points = Failure AUD = Audit course, no credit
R = Repeated Course I = Incomplete
Units of Credit
GSU utilizes the quarter unit to award credit.
- One quarter didactic unit is equivalent to ten (10) contact hours.
- One quarter clinical unit is equivalent to twenty (20) contact hours.
Incomplete Grade (I)
An “I” (incomplete) grade may be given if the student was unable to complete the required academic work or was unable to take the midterm examination or the final examination at the scheduled time for just cause or justifiable excuse such as medical or family emergency. It is the responsibility of the student to explain the justifiable reason to the instructor and to determine alongside the instructor the work needed to be completed and to provide a mutually agreed upon completion date. An incomplete grade must be corrected to a passing grade within the first two weeks of the following quarter or it will be converted to a fail (F).
Multiple incomplete grades may lead to academic probation or academic dismissal from the University. If the instructor who issued the “I” grade is no longer teaching, the Academic Dean will determine the work needed to complete the course and assign it to an instructor who is currently teaching the same course. The student is responsible for completing the academic deficit in a timely manner. Each make-up examination requires a fee of $50.00.
Audit Courses (AUD)
Students who wish to audit a class may do so if they have previously taken and passed a course at GSU. Audited and other non-credit course are not included in fulfilling the requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). An applicant wishing to audit one or more courses must complete an Audit Application form and comply with all admission requirements.
For upper level courses, the applicant must demonstrate sufficient knowledge to benefit from auditing the
course. A limited number of students with audit status are allowed in any given class. In addition to the application fee, the student is required to pay 50% of the course tuition, a registration fee, and other fees, if applicable.
Enrolled students may petition to audit a course already taken earlier at GSU by paying a $50.00 auditing fee. Audited classes are recorded in the official transcripts as “AU” and documented as a grade but not incorporated in the calculation of the GPA. Audited classes are not covered by financial aid.
Repeated Course (R)
Students can repeat any course only once. If a higher grade is earned in the repeated course, the lower grade will be recorded as “R” in the official transcript. Only the higher grade will be included in the GPA. A student who is required to repeat a course must complete it within the maximum time frame and is charged tuition at the regular published rate. All course repetitions count as courses attempted for purposes of determining satisfactory academic progress.
Instructors must submit final course grades to the Office of Records no later than a week after the end of the Final Examination period. All course grades submitted by an instructor are considered final. However, a student may petition for a grade change or appeal as outlined in the Student Handbook.
Any petition for a grade changes due to special circumstances must come from instructors and will be considered on case by case basis by the Academic Standards Committee. Completion of coursework and payment of fees does not guarantee graduation from the University.
Grades, which are given at the discretion of faculty, reflect the academic achievement of the student. To change a grade, the instructor must provide the Academic Dean with appropriate reasons and evidence for the change of grade in writing. The Grade Change Form must be submitted by faculty to the Academic Dean before the change can be processed by the Registrar. Students wishing to contest a grade must do so in writing to the Academic Dean by the second Wednesday of the following quarter. Any grade change requests made after that day will not be honored.
Most of grade appeals can and should be resolved by the student’s direct discussion and communication with the faculty member involved. A student appeal of a final grade must be formally initiated within three (3) months following the posting of the grade. If the three (3) month deadline has lapsed, the grade becomes permanent on the student’s transcripts.
The following due process must be followed by students who wish to file a grade appeal:
- The student shall meet with the faculty member involved in an attempt to resolve the complaint.
- The student shall submit a written appeal to the Program Director to whom the faculty reports. The written appeal must specify the nature of the complaint and the relief the student is seeking. The Program Director will then schedule a meeting with the student and the faculty member involved in an attempt to resolve the complaint. The Program Director and faculty member involved will then communicate a decision in writing to the student.
- If the matter is not resolved at Step 2, the student shall submit a written appeal outlining the nature of the complaint and the relief sought to the Academic Dean. Academic Dean will then schedule a meeting with the student to hear the student’s complaint. Academic Dean shall schedule a meeting with the student and the Hearing Committee consisting of the Academic Dean and three randomly selected full-time faculty in order to hear the student’s complaint. The composition of the Hearing Committee shall be randomly determined by the Academic Dean on the basis of each individual.
At the end of each course, notification of the student’s academic standing and report of grades achieved while in enrollment at the University are provided to each student. Grades are normally provided within two weeks following the completion of the course. If there are any unpaid charges or other penalties on record against a student, request for transcripts and class grades will be withheld unless arrangements to the contrary have been made in advance with the administration. Questions regarding grade reports, academic credit, or transcripts should be referred to the Office of the Registrar.
Any student attending a course in which they are not officially registered will not receive credit for the course but will be assessed full tuition. To receive credit, the course must be repeated with proper registration and payment of tuition.
Students may drop a course during the first week of a quarter without penalty and have until the second week of the quarter to add a course. An add/drop form must be used to process all add/drops with the student’s name, student ID number, signature, and date. Neither written notes nor phone calls are acceptable for adding or dropping a course.
All add/drop forms are subject to the approval of the Associate Academic Dean for student’s language section, approval of the Financial Aid Officer (if applicable), being signed by the Registrar and processed through the Business Office.
For dropped courses, refunds are calculated from the date the Drop Form is delivered to the Business Office. Failure to officially drop a course will result in full tuition charges for the course and a failing (F) grade.
A student may withdraw from any course up until the ninth week of the quarter. Students who withdraw from a course must repeat that course in order to receive credit. Refunds for course withdrawals shall be made according to the University’s tuition refund policy.
A student not formally withdrawn from the Program or fails to register for the quarter without filing a Leave of Absence form with the Registrar is considered withdrawn from the University.
Students transferring from an Acupuncture and Asian Medicine College which is not approved by California Acupuncture Board (CAB) or not accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) may apply for the privilege of taking Challenge Examinations(s) in order to earn transfer credit for courses taken at such colleges.
Golden State University can also use Challenge Examination(s) to determine the knowledge and competency of a transferring student who may have completed the course(s) with a grade of “C” or higher in non-accredited and non-approved schools.
A prospective transfer student applying for Challenge Examination(s) shall be required to pay 50% of the regular tuition for each Challenge Examination. The opportunity to take a Challenge Examination may only be granted by the Academic Dean based upon an equal number of units for a course of similar content and subject as listed in Golden State University’s catalog. Challenge Examination(s) are graded based upon the current grading system of the University.
Upon passing the Challenge Examination(s) with a grade of “C” or higher, transfer credit (TC) for that course(s) will be recorded in the official transcript of the transferring student. No grades shall be posted in the official transcript for Challenge Examination(s).
Examinations help faculty evaluate student progress at various stages of the program. Other examinations may be required as deemed necessary.
- Pre-Clinical Examination: This examination consists of separate written and practical sections, which must be passed before a student may perform any acupuncture or herbal treatment in the clinic.
- Clinical Proficiency Examinations: Phase Exam 1 must be completed before entering Phase 2 Clinic Internship. Phase Exam 2 must be completed before entering Phase 3 Clinic Internship and as follows for Phase Exam 3.
- Comprehensive Examination: The Written Examination is usually taken within six months of the end of the student’s program. A passing grade is required for the award of the degree and for the University’s recommendation to a licensing agency. All clinical proficiency examinations must be passed before the student is eligible to attempt the comprehensive.
The opportunity to sit for a make-up examination is a privilege given to all students with valid excuses. The administration and faculty realize that certain circumstances may prevent a student from being present on the day of midterm or final examination. Students can petition for a make-up examination by filling out a Make-Up Examination Form in the front office. The Make-Up Examination Form must have the approval of the Academic Dean and must show the student has paid for a Make- Up Examination fee in the amount of $50.00. The Make-Up Examination fee may be waived by the instructor if student’s absence from the examination is due to valid medical reasons— proof of documentation must be presented.
Some entering students will have completed more than the minimum entrance requirements and may be eligible for advanced standing. College course(s) taken at schools acceptable to the Admissions Committee, completed with grades of “C” or better, similar in content, class hours and credits, to courses offered by the academic program may be accepted for advanced standing transfer credit. To request credit the student must fill out the petition for transfer credit for each course and supply the registrar with official course description (from the catalog of the school where the course was taken). The student must assure that Golden State University receives official transcripts directly from the issuing institution. Transfer credit courses need to be completed within the previous ten (10) years from the date of admissions to Golden State University. If courses were completed more than 10 years ago, then the student has the option to repeat the courses or take Challenge Examinations(s). Upon approval by the Admissions Committee and the Academic Standards Committee, up to 30 hours of semester credits may be granted for passing standard exams administered by the College Board Advanced Placement (AP), College Board College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and American College Testing-Proficiency Exam Program (ACT-PEP). Golden State University does not accept portfolio assessment or corporate training.
College courses taken at another school completed with grades of “C” or better and similar content, class/contact hours and credits to courses required and/or offered by the academic program, may be accepted for advanced standing transfer credit based on evaluation of the Academic Dean:
- Must furnish course description.
- Must provide official transcript(s).
- All transfer credit(s) must have been completed within the previous 10 years prior to the date of enrollment.
Courses and clinical instruction meeting the standards established in the paragraph above, taken at another school or college approved by the California State Board of Acupuncture and accredited or a candidate for accredited program or institution by ACAOM will be accepted for transfer credit by Golden State University.
Where the coursework or clinical instruction was completed at a school not approved by the Board or accredited by ACAOM the evaluation must include a Challenge Examination in the subject area(s) in which transfer credit(s) are to be awarded.
Up to 100% transfer credit may be awarded for courses completed successfully in biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, anatomy, physiology, pathology, nutrition and vitamins, history of medicine, medical terminology, clinical science, clinical medicine, western pharmacology, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, practice management and ethics at a school which is approved under section 94310 of the Education Code or by an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education.
Credit for clinical coursework and instruction in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture Anatomy and Physiology, Acupuncture Techniques, Acupuncture, Breathing Techniques, Traditional Chinese Exercise or Traditional Herbology completed successfully at a school which is not approved by the California Acupuncture Board, may be awarded up to 50% of the credit hours from the California Board approved school, from where at least 50% of the course hours in these subject areas are retaken and completed successfully at Golden State University.
Once enrolled at Golden State University, concurrent education at other accredited colleges or universities can only be approved based upon the following conditions:
- Student must submit to the Academic Dean a written request for approval for concurrent education.
- The approval of courses or subjects taken by GSU students at other accredited colleges or universities will only be granted for courses in General Sciences and Western Science subjects.
- The courses or subjects taken by GSU students at other accredited colleges or universities shall not have time conflict with courses taken at GSU.
- The courses or subjects taken by GSU students at other accredited colleges or universities shall be the same number of units or more and be of similar level in courses and contents in order to be transferred to GSU.
- Official transcripts of the courses or subjects taken by GSU students at other accredited colleges or universities must be submitted to the Program Student Advisor and approved by the Academic Dean for evaluation before transfer credits are awarded.
- A fee of $50.00 shall be required for the evaluation and processing of transfer credits.
- Concurrent education is not permitted for any courses or subjects in Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture, Herbology, and thus, consequently, transfer credits will not be granted on these courses and subjects.
The degree must be earned within 6 calendar years (72 months) from the first date of enrollment.
Students must be enrolled for a minimum of 2.5 academic years to complete the program.
Students who fail to meet graduation requirements within eight (6) years of the date of their first admission must meet the requirements in effect at the time. Their graduation can no longer be based on requirements effective at the time of their entrance. Students readmitted to the University must meet the graduation requirements and all other policies in effect at the time of their readmission.
In cases of academic dishonesty in class, instructors may fail a student for the examination, activity or course. The instructor may refer the circumstance to the Academic Standards Committee for review and further action. The President may fail a student in a test, fail a student in a course, or expel a student for cheating or plagiarism. Cheating includes but is not limited to looking at another’s examination paper, using unauthorized notes in an exam, going to a restroom during an exam and consulting notes or references. Cheating includes plagiarism. Plagiarism is the presentation or representation of another’s work as one’s own, such as presenting ideas or words of a source without documenting the source.
Admission or re-admission may be conditional or denied to any person who, while not enrolled as a student, engages in conduct that would be the basis for disciplinary proceedings pursuant to the above. Admission or readmission may be conditional or denied to any person who, while a student, commits acts that are subject to disciplinary action pursuant to the above.
Students accused of improper conduct shall be given adequate notice of the charges and an opportunity to appeal the case to the grievance committee. Written notice of specific charges made against a student shall be given at least 15 (fifteen) days before the student is to appear before the committee. While disciplinary action against a student is pending, the student’s status does not change unless it is found that the student poses a significant threat to the University community.
Hearings are private.
The accused student is afforded the opportunity to rebut all charges. The University establishes the charges by a preponderance of the evidence. The student has the right to appeal the disciplinary actions to the Academic Dean, but on the grounds that fair procedure was not followed by the committee or that the evidence in the record does not justify the decision or the sanction.
A record will be kept of the disciplinary action taken and the basis for this decision. The disciplinary action taken may be reflected on the student’s permanent record as part of the disciplinary punishment. Disciplinary action invoked by the committee may involve, but is not limited to, one or a combination of the alternatives listed as follows:
Dismissal: Separation of the student from the University on a permanent basis.
Suspension: Separation of the student from the University for a specified length of time.
Specific limitations and restrictions on the student’s privileges may accompany probation. University policy stipulates that a student dismissed by disciplinary action, from either the University or a
course, will not receive a refund of tuition or other fees. Students dismissed from the University for disciplinary reasons must exclude themselves from the University classes, activities, facilities, and buildings. Any exception must be approved by the President. A student who is dismissed may reapply for admission after two quarters from the dismissal.
Academic Probation is placed on a student if the student fails to maintain a cumulative G.P.A. of 2.0 at this University. The student must show improvement in academic achievements to avoid being dismissed. Full time students must complete at least 36 units per academic year (9 months) with no less than a C (2.0) average to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP); however, to complete the program in four academic years students must successfully complete 58 units per academic year.
The President may immediately impose an interim suspension in all cases in which there is reasonable cause to believe that such an immediate suspension is required in order to protect lives or property and to ensure the maintenance of order. A student so placed on interim suspension shall be given prompt notice of charges and the opportunity for a hearing within ten (10) days of the imposition of interim suspension. During the period of interim suspension, the student shall not, without prior written permission of the President or designated representative, enter the campus, other than to attend the hearing. Violation of any condition of interim suspension shall be grounds for dismissal.