WM110 Western Medical Terminology (3/30)
Prerequisite: None
In this course, students will learn about medical terms are formed from word roots, combining forms, prefixes and suffixes, other terms, pharmacology, abbreviations, and how to apply this knowledge by completing work sheets in the required text.
WM211 Principles of Pharmacology (3/30)
Prerequisite: None
This course serves as an introduction to Western pharmacology, with discussion and assessment about drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system, the central nervous system, cardiovascular system, other organ systems, chemotherapeutic drugs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and autacoids. Also emphasizing side –effects and herb-drug interaction.
WM310 Western Medicine Laboratory Exam Evaluation (3/30)
Prerequisite: None
This course will serve as an introduction to the most commonly utilized Western Medical Radiology Exam and Laboratory Exam. Students will learn how to order and interpret a variety of Laboratory and Radiology Exam.
WM311 Western Medicine Physical Assessment (3/30)
Prerequisite: BS210, BS211
This course will introduce Western Medical Diagnostic through physical examination and l assessment to develop communication skills with sensitivity of multicultural view through patient and practitioner rapport. The student will learn the following exams to find clinical reasoning and problem solving Cardiovascular, abdomen, genitalia, spine and extremities, neurological, and history taking.
WM312 Survey of Clinical Medicine (3/30)
Prerequisite: None
This course introduces students to a survey of the clinical practice of medicine and be familiarizes students with the practices of other health care practitioners, including osteopathy, chiropractic, homeopathy, naturopathy, reflexology, biofeedback, hypnotherapy, polarity, hydrotherapy, and other natural healing modalities.
WM313 Western Internal Medicine I (3/30)
Prerequisite: BS210, BS211
This course covers a review of internal and family medicine including neurology, pulmonary/respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, lymphatic, musculo-skeletal, and sexually transmitted diseases. Additionally, a comprehensive history taking functional assessments, pharmacological assessment, clinical reasoning, problem solving, and diagnosis will be included.
WM314 Western Internal Medicine II (3/30)
Prerequisite: BS210, BS211
This course covers standard medical terminology, standard patient physical examination, skills in comprehensive history taking, pharmacological assessment, clinical reasoning, problem solving, and diagnosis of diseases in endocrine system, blood system, urinary system, and immune system as well as metabolic diseases. This course also covers a comprehensive survey of clinical practices of medicine, osteopathy, psychology, dentistry, nursing, chiropractic, podiatry, naturopathy, and homeopathy.
WM315 Western Internal Medicine III (3/30)
Prerequisite: BS212, BS213
This course covers standard medical terminology, standard patient physical examination, skills in comprehensive history taking, pharmacological assessment, clinical reasoning, problem solving, and diagnosis of diseases in general surgery, ophthalmology, E.N.T., pediatrics, psychiatrics, dermatology, obstetrics, and gynecology.
WM410 Clinical Nutrition (3/30)
Prerequisite: BS114
This course focuses on advising the right foods, menus, and cooking methods according to disease, signs, and symptoms in Eastern and Western clinical nutrition perspectives.