CT100 Practice Observation (12/240)

Prerequisite: AMT100,110, 111, BS210, 211,212   AC100, 111, 112, Herb 100, 111,112 BS 110, 111, 116

This course involves supervised observation of the clinical practice of acupuncture and Oriental medicine with case presentations from a supervisor and discussion with interns and a Supervisor.


CT200  Clinic Training Supervised Diagnosis and Evaluation (20/400)

Prerequisite: AMT211, 212 ,213, AC211,212, BS311,312,313 HB100,111, 112, 113, 114, 200 WM110, 210, BS114

This course practices the application of Eastern and Western diagnostic procedures in evaluating patients: This is the stage of an intern’s training for diagnosis patients under the consultation of a licensed clinical supervisor to be able review given cases and assessment of current patient’s case, diagnosis, plan treatments, select acupoints, herbal remedy, and diet.


CT300 Supervised Practice (16/320)

Prerequisite: CLT1, CLT2, AMT310, 311, 312, 313, WM310, 311, 312, AC311, 312, 315, HB311, 312, 313, 314, 315

This is the final stage of an intern’s clinical treatment of patients with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine treatment modalities listed in the business and Professions Code Section 49279D0 and 4937(b) as cupping, moxa, magnet, Tui Na, proper herbal formular, acupuncture points and location, exercise, and diet under the consultant supervision of a licensed clinical supervisor for each patient ‘s case.